Corporate social responsibility

We help women of all ages take care of their health. We improve people's health literacy and disease prevention, and we bring knowledge to the medical community. We care about the environment and support charitable projects.
We help women of all ages take care of their health. Alcea`s brands support women throughout their lives
Over the years of work in the Russian market, we have accumulated great expertise in women's health. Our brands help women take care of themselves literally throughout their entire lives – from puberty to post-menopause.
We help women carry a healthy baby
In Russia, about 1.3 million pregnancies develop annualy1, and, unfortunately, about 450 thousand of them occur against the background of anemia of pregnancy or iron deficiency2. Iron deficiency anemia has an adverse effect on the condition of the mother and fetus and can lead to a variety of complications. Alcea supplies about 1 million packs of Ferretab.® Comp. Ferretab for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia annually in Russia, which helps about 250-300 thousand patients with this diagnosis.
We help fight cancer in gynecology
In Russia, about 18,000 cases of cervical cancer3 and about 70,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed annualy4. All measures aimed at preventing the development of precancerous conditions, as well as early diagnosis of these conditions, form the basis of the cancer control strategy.
Alcea's portfolio includes the original drugs Indinol Forto® and Cervicon®-DIM, which affect various links of the pathogenesis of precancerous or background conditions.
In addition, Alcea has extensive educational activities and helps mammologists and gynecologists across the country gain the knowledge and skills for early diagnosis and treatment of these cancers.
We increase people's literacy in health care and disease prevention
Alcea supports a preventive approach to health care. Being proactive means raising awareness of diseases, their prevention and early diagnosis.
For example, we regularly host ‘Health Days’, which is a series of educational webinars from reputable physicians.
In addition, Alcea is a member of the Health Products Industry Association (HPIA). Together with other market players, we promote the concept of responsible attitude to one's health in Russia.
We contribute to achieving the main goals of the national projects ‘Demography’ and ‘Health Care’
Our activities meet the main objectives of the national projects ‘Demography’ and ‘Health Care’, including the promotion of healthy lifestyles, development of preventive medicine, regular medical check-ups among the population, fight against cancer and others.
We believe that business can help the national health care system cope with the increased workload by expanding its preventive component.
We care about the environment
All facilities that manufacture our products comply with industrial safety and environmental protection regulations.
We have many team initiatives to build a green office: eco-friendly chemistry, refusal from disposable tableware, collecting batteries and plastic lids for recycling.
We support charitable projects
For example, every year, together with the AdVITA Foundation, our team participates in the ‘Christmas Tree of Kindness’ campaign to wish holiday greetings to children who are fighting cancer.
1. Rosstat. Natural population movement 2022
2. Golubev N.A., Ogryzko E.V., Zalevskaya O.V., Kapustina M.V. Morbidity and pathologic conditions of pregnant women in the Russian Federation. Russian journal of obstetrics and gynecology. 2021; 21(3):11-19
3. Clinical Recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, erosion and ectropion of the cervix, 2020. ID:597
4. Clinical Recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Breast cancer, 2021. ID:379